Imagine What Can Happen in the Next Generation

Imagine What Can Happen in the Next Generation

A Story From Aisha Barry, National Governing Board of Directors Chair

Like many of you, the year 2024 has inspired deep reflection in me. I’ve found myself pondering how to make a more meaningful impact; I desire to do more. It’s in this spirit that I have made a decision that’s both exhilarating and humbling.

Inspired by my personal journey, I’ve chosen to make my largest gift yet to JP — a six-figure contribution to match all new monthly donors dollar for dollar. This decision wasn’t made lightly. It’s rooted in a profound belief in JP’s direction. It’s centered on a deep understanding that support structures for single mothers and their children in pursuit of economic mobility are crucial — like JP’s 1:1 coaching, Empowerment & Leadership training, backup child care, and housing assistance.

In my mid-30s pursuing my MBA, I was one of the oldest students in my class and a single mom with a 12-year-old daughter in tow. I faced countless hurdles and challenges. Yet, through it all, I found solace and strength in community—much like many of the incredible JP moms I’ve had the privilege to meet.

Now, as Chair of JP’s National Governing Board, I see my journey coming full circle. I’m deeply committed to paying forward the support and opportunities that have been afforded to me. I firmly believe that every JP mom deserves the chance to redefine what’s possible for herself, her family, and her community.

By joining me as a monthly donor to Jeremiah Program, you’re not just making a financial contribution; you’re investing in the future of families and communities, allowing the organization to plan differently. Your ongoing commitment will provide the stability and resources needed to continue disrupting generational poverty and creating pathways to success for single mothers and their families.

I understand that deciding to give monthly is a deeply personal choice, and I want you to know that your support will have a tangible impact on those who need it most. Together, we can build a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story. I hope you will join me on this journey.