Become a JP Mom
Fill out the application form below
Program Benefits
- A 12-week empowerment and leadership course with single mothers ready to invest in themselves
- 1-on-1 coaching to help you set and meet your goals
- Help enrolling and succeeding in college
- Childcare stipend to help with evening / weekend classes and studying
- Educational supports and summer programs for your children
- You are 18 years or older
- You are a single mother to at least one child (with at least 50% custody of that child or are currently pregnant)
- You have a high school diploma or GED and have not already attained a bachelor’s degree
- You are ready to start or go back to college in the next 6 months
- You are able to attend Empowerment and Leadership course weekly for 12 weeks (All E&L classes are virtual)
- You have the ability and willingness to visit your JP campus at least twice a month
- Baltimore, Boston, Brooklyn, Las Vegas: At least one child under the age of 10
- Austin, Fargo, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Rochester:
-At least one child under the age of 5
-To be eligible for housing waitlist, maximum age of children is 7