What Do You Love About Being a Mom?

We asked Jeremiah Program moms and alumni what they love about motherhood. This is what they had to say.

A key facet of Jeremiah Program’s work with moms is to support them in taking pride in their identities as single mothers. Despite prevailing narratives steeped in shame, we celebrate single moms who juggle college courses, jobs, and parenting — because they make miracles happen every day. They deserve celebration every day.

We recently asked some of our JP moms and alumni what they love about being moms, and one replied, “I love absolutely everything about being a mom.”

Others narrowed in on the joy of watching their children’s development. “I love watching my daughter grow and blossom and being empowered,” one mom shared. “I just love learning my little people,” another explained. One of our alumni reflected on her children’s effect on her: “I love watching my kids grow, and they teach me new things every day.”

Other moms expressed pride in being able to provide their children with lives different from their own, “giving them opportunities that at some point in my life [I] did not have,” as one mom put it. Another was excited about the power to decide the ways in which her child would have a better upbringing than she did.

Some thought a lot about the futures their children would have because of their mothering. One mom felt that motherhood is “a purpose beyond myself,” and another loves being her daughter’s role model. One of our moms felt incredibly honored “to know that what you do actually counts.”

One mom told us she’s “proud to be their mother, proud to be able to see them just laugh and enjoy life.” What could be more beautiful than that?

Mothers are the most influential people in their children’s lives, and they deserve to feel good about the ways they show up as leaders in their homes and communities.

Moms, we see you and celebrate you.

Do you want to celebrate JP moms and their children? A monthly gift goes further to support JP families.

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