
Leadership, Policy

Community Is a Verb

2025 has reaffirmed a core belief for JP President and CEO Chastity Lord: Community is active, intentional, and always worth it.

Leadership, Policy

The Power of Collective Dreaming

JP President and CEO Chastity Lord reflects on the adage, “It takes a village.” It may seem cliché, she says, but it’s real. We do nothing alone.

Leadership, Policy

The Power of a Single Mom’s Vote to Shape Our Future

With Election Day just hours away, JP President and CEO Chastity Lord is reflecting on the voices that often go unheard in our democracy.

Leadership, Policy

Who Taught You to Dream?

JP President and CEO Chastity Lord says that, now more than ever, our communities and country could benefit from a little more dreaming.

JP Life, Leadership

Meet the 2024-2025 Jeremiah Program Alumni Fellows

JP is proud to announce the members of the 2024-2025 Jeremiah Program Alumni Fellowship, a selective, 12-month, cohort-based leadership program.

JP Life, Leadership, Mom Voices

Coming Full Circle

Jeremiah Program alum Nekey Oliver reflects on her JP journey — from her time as a JP mom to advocating for moms as a community board member.

JP Life, Leadership

Introducing the 2023-2024 Jeremiah Program Alumni Fellows

We are proud to introduce the members of the 2023-2024 Jeremiah Program Alumni Fellowship, a selective, 12-month, cohort-based leadership program.

JP Life, Leadership

Meet JP Baltimore Executive Director Danielle Staton

Danielle Staton, JP Baltimore’s inaugural executive director, helps lead a conversation on countering shame about single motherhood and building community.


Meet New JP Las Vegas Executive Director Maria Tucker, Ph.D.

Dr. Maria Tucker, the first-ever leader of JP Las Vegas, helps lead a critical discussion about generational poverty and prioritizes relationships in the campus’s first community event.


Meet New JP Austin Executive Director Gloria Gonzales-Dholakia, Ph.D.

Dr. Gonzales-Dholakia, the new executive director of JP Austin, reveals her affinity for and connection with JP moms in this inviting conversation.