Two Gen

Our Children Deserve the Best
JP’s Early Childhood Education Fellowship supports teachers and moms as they support children.

Supporting Moms, Nurturing Futures
Jeremiah Program’s innovative Child Development Centers impact multiple generations.

Caring Beyond the Classroom
JP’s tutoring and summer enrichment offerings are key elements of our holistic, two-generational model.

Imagine What Can Happen in a Generation: Meet the Smith Family
JP Alumni Fellow Dana Smith’s children know the effort it took for her to complete college as a single mom. Today, her oldest is a college junior, and her two teens are college-bound.

Growing From a Stable Foundation
Entrepreneur Natalie Meeks-Johnson, a former JP kid, shares her JP memories and her perspective on how the program influenced her and her mother’s lives.

Investing in the Next Generation
A new initiative around 529 plans opens the door to college savings for Jeremiah Program kids.

Life, Love, and Community: One Family’s JP Journey
Inaugural JP Alumni Fellow Christine Smith recently sat down with her now-adult son, Benard, to discuss their JP experiences and how their past has shaped their present. They even learned some new things about each other.

Crafting Big Dreams for Myself and My Children
For JP Boston mom Tiffany Jenkins, there’s no question that she will be a successful entrepreneur. She’s laying the foundation right now.

Lifting Each Other Up
Austin mom Alyssa discusses how JP has influenced her children, her stability and her confidence.