Public Policy

JP public Policy

Shifting the Written and Unwritten Rules Around
Poverty and Economic Mobility

our why

In a lot of ways, the pandemic has been a national case study for the role of public policy — it is clear that JP can’t deliver on our mission of disrupting generational poverty for single moms and their children without this ingredient. 

Centering Public Policy Within JP  

We believe that delivering on our mission of disrupting generational poverty for single moms and their children requires us to engage in both direct service and systems change work to respond to inequitable public policy.

Specifically, we are committed to mobilizing and centering the voices and experiences of JP moms and alumni because we believe empowered moms are the future. This includes ensuring they aren’t only invited to tables of power but also are supported to author their own agendas. Collective work is necessary to help our moms transform their families and their communities while shifting the national conversation around economic mobility for the most marginalized and overlooked.


 2022-2024 National Public Policy Focus Areas

 Our three-pronged public policy framework focuses on those disproportionally sidelined by the pandemic: women with small children experiencing poverty, with a specific focus on BIPOC single moms. We are leveraging our commitment to direct service work and commitment to shifting public policy to achieve long-term systemic impact.

Note: Our local committees may approach each of the policy focus areas differently than described below.


JP is focused on increasing the compensation of childcare workers to retain and attract skilled caregivers and educators, ultimately benefiting both child and worker by improving the overall quality of childcare.

We are actively looking into policies that will address the labor issue within the childcare system because we understand that care workers are the backbone of a robust care infrastructure. Policy development plays a critical role in ensuring that care worker jobs are sustainable and provide living wages to enable care workers to support themselves and their families.


When it comes to working single mothers, educational opportunities and childcare support access need to be expanded and made more accessible for them to reap the economic and mobility benefits of obtaining post-secondary degrees.

JP recognizes how financial obstacles such as student debt hinder educational opportunities, especially for single mothers. That is why we are researching policies pertaining to the impact of student loans on rising tuition prices and poverty.


Investing in high-quality educational pathways that lead into high-demand or emerging sectors is crucial to creating more viable career prospects and financial stability for single mothers. It will increase future financial security for both mother and child by providing more career opportunities for single mothers.

JP understands the need for new local, state, and national investments in high-quality educational pathways that are paired with holistic support systems. These investments will increase access to the education and training single mothers need to re-enter the job market and earn family-sustaining wages.

Staying in Our Lane

How JP Thinks about Advocacy and Public Policy

JP is on a mission to advocate in the public policy space for the advancement of our mission and positive shifts in issue areas that disproportionately impact our JP families. We are taking an internal and external approach to our public policy initiative to ensure that the message we are conveying publicly aligns with what we are doing internally. Our three public policy approaches coincide and often intersect with one another.


We realize that before we can become strong advocates against the social injustices our JP families face, we need to increase our visibility within our communities and ensure alignment around our mission within our own organization. 


 We understand that to achieve our goals we need to collaborate with other organizations and individuals that align with our mission and values, as well as maintain and leverage connections within our own organization.


 We are taking the necessary steps to position JP mothers, staff, and stakeholders to be leaders in their community and have a voice in the decision-making process internally and externally. 


 How Our Programmatic Investment Aligns with Our Public Policy Efforts 

The following are glimpses into what JP is doing internally to ensure we are aligned with our external public policy initiatives. Each of these assists in our commitment to unapologetically mobilize and center the voices and experiences of current JP moms and JP alumni.  


 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Fellowship and Child Development Association (CDA) Scholarship

 Student Parents and Loan Debt 

Our 529 College Savings Plans and future events centering single mothers who are student parents

Emerging Workforce Trends

JP Career Volunteer Mentor Program:
Empowering both JP moms and experienced career professionals to write new narratives


The Written and Unwritten Rules of Inequity

We believe that delivering on our mission of disrupting generational poverty for single moms and their children requires us to engage in both direct service and systems change work to shift the written and unwritten rules of inequity. Stay in the loop by joining our monthly newsletter.

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