Our Strategic Plan
We’re Committed to Growing, Innovating
and Measuring Our Success.
Since our inception 20 years ago, Jeremiah Program, and the families we serve, have been changing the national conversation about single motherhood and generational poverty.
We’ve demonstrated the success of our innovative 2Gen model. And we’ve successfully established campuses in five new locations outside of our first campus communities in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.
Three fundamental shifts underpin our current efforts to grow, innovate and measure success at Jeremiah Program. One, we’re expanding the leadership tent, inviting in mothers who are the experts in how to best disrupt the cycle of poverty. Two, we’re approaching poverty as a social justice issue rather than purely economic. And three, we’re correcting the narrative about single motherhood, acknowledging that the women we serve are already great parents with the capacity to become the architects of their families’ futures.
Under our current Strategic Plan, JP is focused on increasing impact through our existing campuses while responding to opportunities to bring our five pillars of service into new communities. By 2023, JP seeks to quadruple the number of mothers and children served by pursuing three new, cost-effective strategic priorities and continuing to leverage efficiencies across the current model. To achieve this impact, and with our donors’ support, JP will invest an estimated five-year funding total of $50.5M across the organization.
We’re scaling JP’s impact through these growth initiatives:
• Leverage current assets and pursue partnerships in housing and early childhood education
• Expand the Jeremiah recipe of 2Gen services to new campus communities, addressing the needs of both mothers and their children
• Expand thought leadership reach and influence to lead transformational change for 2Gen programs
We’re leveraging lessons learned to drive maximum impact while maintaining high-quality services for families and continuing to innovate for the future.
• Test/service product expansion of existing intellectual property
• Explore technology solutions
• Expand program eligibility
• Build Jeremiah brand
We’re investing in data collection to assess results, refine our programming and report on JP’s impact.
• Create an organization-wide measurement framework
• Conduct an impact evaluation to measure long-term outcomes
To achieve this impact, Jeremiah will invest an estimated 5-year funding total of $50.5M across the organization ($14M more than steady state 5-year fundraising projections), and will continue to transform lives with donors’ support.