
Leadership, Policy

Community Is a Verb

2025 has reaffirmed a core belief for JP President and CEO Chastity Lord: Community is active, intentional, and always worth it.

Single mother and her two sons sitting on a couch laughing together
JP Life, Policy

Poverty Awareness This Month and All Year Long

This Poverty Awareness Month, we’re doing what we do every day: uplifting the needs of families experiencing poverty and encouraging two-generation solutions.

Leadership, Policy

The Power of Collective Dreaming

JP President and CEO Chastity Lord reflects on the adage, “It takes a village.” It may seem cliché, she says, but it’s real. We do nothing alone.

Leadership, Policy

The Power of a Single Mom’s Vote to Shape Our Future

With Election Day just hours away, JP President and CEO Chastity Lord is reflecting on the voices that often go unheard in our democracy.

JP Life, Policy

Moms Get Things Done: The Power of the Single Mom Vote

Single moms are closest to the issues in the 2024 election. Here’s why we need to talk more about their voting power.

Leadership, Policy

Who Taught You to Dream?

JP President and CEO Chastity Lord says that, now more than ever, our communities and country could benefit from a little more dreaming.

Mom Voices, Policy

Celebrating Student Parents

Any day is a good day to honor the strength and ingenuity of parenting students — including every day in September, Student Parent Month.

Mom Voices, Policy

JP Alumni Fellow Story: Portia Jackson

The concept of “home” has driven JP Alumni Fellow Portia Jackson’s personal and professional decisions. Here’s how.

Mom Voices, Policy

JP Alumni Fellow Story: Dana Smith

JP Alumni Fellow Dana Smith was underestimated as a young professional. Today, the marketing executive encourages other women to persist past the naysayers.

Mom Voices, Policy

JP Alumni Fellow Story: Chakita Lewis

Today, JP Alumni Fellow Chakita Lewis is a county supervisor whose family is thriving — and she attributes her success to her community.