Archives: Stories

JP Life, Policy

Mothers Owning Their Power, Authoring Their Futures

The five pillars of Jeremiah Program offer the supports single mothers need to pursue economic mobility for themselves and their children.

Mom Voices

We Can Come Out Stronger

Three weeks into lockdown, JP mom Isabella discusses how the early stages of pandemic have affected her and her daughter.


Conscious Conversations: Sharhonda Bossier

A discussion about activism on and off the street with Sharhonda Bossier, Deputy Director at Education Leaders of Color (EdLoC).


Conscious Conversations: Dax-Devlon Ross

Jeremiah Program hosts Dax Devlon-Ross for a discussion of his LinkedIn op-ed that gained viral attention and helped open up a deeper discussion of racial bias in the workplace.

Single mother and her two sons sitting on a couch laughing together
JP Life

We Are Doing More

The promises Jeremiah Program made to support our moms during the COVID-19 pandemic weren’t simply promises — they were commitments. Here’s how we’re doing.

Mom Voices

I Thought I Had No Other Options

JP mom Isabella discusses the impact the program has had on her life.

Amy Klein
JP Life

Pandemic Impact: A Family Services Perspective

A Family Services Manager shares her perspective on the pandemic’s impact.

Mom Voices

I’ve Been Through Worse

JP mom Alyssa talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected her family.

Mom Voices, Two Gen

Lifting Each Other Up

Austin mom Alyssa discusses how JP has influenced her children, her stability and her confidence.


Chastity Lord: Jeremiah Program Is No Stranger to Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to harness the creativity and innovation that drive our community.