This Is Legacy Work
JP President and CEO Chastity Lord explains how JP partners with families to expand the list of perceived choices available to them.
There is no panacea to disrupt generational poverty — it was not created in one generation and won’t be dismantled in one. This is legacy work, requiring us to move as fast as we can but as slow as we must.
At JP, we believe economic mobility requires the prioritization of the day-to-day realities of families experiencing poverty. However, it also requires we acknowledge that JP moms are navigating a social safety net that was not constructed with them in mind. They are being asked to do more, dream more, and believe more — with less. To magically defy the odds.
The urgency of the now is primary when experiencing poverty — and this urgency influences JP’s five pillars and our program investments. However, those supports will not independently disrupt generational poverty.
We believe it also requires those most proximate to the issues to have access to the mic and seats at the table to author more inclusive public policy. This belief influences the network we are building with JP alumni — a powerful sisterhood moving from gratitude to agency and embracing their ability to redefine what is possible for themselves, their families, and their communities.
This is legacy work, requiring us to move as fast as we can but as slow as we must. Thanks for continuing to join JP and JP alumni on this journey to author new rules committed to equity instead of magic.
Chastity Lord is the President and CEO of Jeremiah Program.

Jeremiah Program Alumni Fellowship
Central to JP’s Alumni Network is the JP Alumni Fellowship, a selective, yearlong, cohort-based leadership program. This is a unique opportunity for women to help build and lead a new movement focused on single moms pursuing economic mobility. Fellows embody JP’s belief that the solutions JP moms create for their families can be scaled to meet the needs of their broader communities.
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